
Every attempt at a challenge is another step forward.

Thomas Edison once said, "If I find ten thousand ways something won't work, I haven't failed. I am not discouraged because every wrong attempt discarded is just one more step forward." Being an entrepreneur in business, the nonprofit world, in a church or even in education can be a lonely, frustrating endeavor.

Package 01

Let’s Get Cracking

Suzann’s work with individuals starts with an initial Let’s Get Cracking session that includes a Foursight Thinking Profile assessment, a 3-hour one-on-one session, and a customized strategy for an individual challenge or situation be it professional or personal.

Package 02

02 Fill in the Hole

The next level of individual client engagement are Fill in the Hole sessions. These are 1.5 hour sessions where the client can bring a specific challenge, situation or opportunity for Suzann to help them intentionally apply the Creative Problem Solving framework in one session or multiple sessions to help formulate a specific strategy to apply.

Package 03

Retainer Partnership

The highest level of offerings for individuals is a retainer partnership of 3, 6 or 12-month segments. This retainer partnership guarantees the individual client at least two Fill in the Hole sessions as well as two 30-minute Zoom check-ins each month.

Have a question about creativity and innovation coaching? Let’s chat.

Click below to book your free discovery call with Suzann today.